This past Friday we were at EL. We knew that this was going to be our hardest meet so far, and possibly during the entire regular season. Both our guys team, and the EL guys team were evenly matched, and we knew it would be a good race.
Going in to the race my goal was a sub 17, and a side goal of beating Faisal. I knew to do this I would have to go out with Faisal, and then probably try to out sprint him to get me under the 17 minute barrier.
The start of the race was rather surprising. The starter told us "okay, so there will be two commands, runner set, and then Go." so we all lined up and he said "Runners set" then maybe one second later says "go" and that was it, we were all taken a bit by surprise, but still got off the line pretty quick.
At the beginning of the race, it was Faisal, Hussein, and I running together, and then as we crossed the driveway, Faisal made a move and I went with him. It was then Faisal running a bit in front of me, with Hussein falling behind. Faisal went through the mile mark at around a 5:02, with me close behind at a 5:10. I then pushed ahead and almost caught him, but then he managed to also push a bit after I had settled back into my pace. I came through the two mile mark around a 5:34 (much better split then last week) and by then he was probably 10 seconds ahead of me. I knew I had to make a move, and tried, but failed. Looking back, my coach was able to figure out my last mile was a 5:20, and the last .1 was about 41 seconds.
For those of you very good at math, that brings me in at a 16:45, second, but breaking 17. By quite a margin. Which felt amazing!
Looking at the team standings, our boys team got 2nd by 4 freaking points! we know though that in the future we can beat them, because our number 3 Jake, had a bad day due to allergies, and so next time we face them (KVACs) we should beat them easily.
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